Taking the back neck shoulder DSE compliance pain out of the workplace

VIDA is an AI based platform to reduce musculoskeletal problems like back and neck pain in desk workers. All while making you DSE compliant for remote, office and hybrid teams.

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A proactive approach to reducing musculoskeletal pain in your workplace

Go beyond tick box exercises for your DSE compliance and ergonomics systems. Move to proactive approaches to musculoskeletal pain in the workplace.

Save time & costs with a 34% reduction in pain

Musculoskeletal pain is the #1 cause of absence in the workplace and the #2 corporate health spend. Countless hours are spent on manual regulatory compliance processes, but often without resulting reductions in issues like back pain.

VIDA automates manual processes, empowers team members to take control of their own MSK health and lowers pain across your team.

VIDA Risks

Full DSE compliance in seconds

Because VIDA empowers your team to self assess, wherever they work, you can roll out across your organisation using SSO or LMS integrations in seconds. No more scheduling manual assessments or chasing google forms.

A proactive benefit for your team

Escalation to occupational health or healthcare systems is an important facility. However, with the right tools you could move to a more preventative approach. VIDA spots risks for MSK issues before they become debilitating. And it doesn't leave it there. Bespoke follow up programs help your team tackle existing pain and reduce risks of new injuries.

95% desk workers with pain can be supported in the workplace with VIDA.

Featured in
the times
management today

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What employees say

Here are some quotes about VIDA directly
from employees →

The Cost of Pain and DSE Compliance

Musculoskeletal pain has a huge negative affect on your team and your business.
Pain related absence , productivity losses and labour intensive manual regulatory systems all have a huge cost.

spent administering DSE compliance if each employee takes just 10 minutes of admin time.

your employees spend completing traditional DSE assessments if each employee spends 45 minutes on a traditional training.

off due to musculoskeletal issues per year (assuming just 2.6% of your staff have chronic pain requiring 4 weeks of absence which is average).

your team lose due to MSK related productivity loss (assuming an extremely conservative 15% pain incidence with 15% productivity loss).

The science behind VIDA
We continually study the effects of VIDA on musculoskeletal pain, organisation risk, employee behaviours and more.


of users with desk related pain saw their pain decrease over the time using VIDA.


average reduction in pain intensity across the organisation from VIDA's ergonomic, environmental, behavioural and exercise based interventions.


average pain reducing steps self actioned after each users completes an assessment. For a company of 10,000 employees that's 24,000 actions immediately taken.

    Employer DSE Regulations in the Hybrid Working World

    In helping our global customers lower musculoskeletal pain and navigate international regulations, we've published a range of resources. Check out our comprehensive guide to the Display Screen Equipment (DSE) regulations and get in touch to discuss how VIDA can help across your international offices.

    Taking the pro athlete approach to transform your MSK approach from reactive to proactive!

    Predicting injuries before they happen

    VIDA's technology was originally developed for use with elite athletes. In pro sports, it's possible to predict musculoskeletal issues in the workplace before they happen. By combining data on ergonomics, working behaviour, environment, health and psychological factors, VIDA can use the same scientific approach to detect injury risk early and intervene before they happen.

    With this approach, you can turn your MSK approach from reactive to proactive!

    Have a question or want more information?

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    See how VIDA could fit into your systems and lower pain in your organisation.

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